Dog Dayschool Maine
Where Care and Training IntersectOur Doggy
Daycare & Training
Dog Dayschool in Maine

Our unique program offers your dog the ability to experience daycare and regular training without all the associated hazards of high-stimulation play and the high cost of training. As an IAABC accredited trainer, Canine Academy owner Kara Dello Russo dreamed of working with groups of dogs regularly, eliminating the high cost of training sessions and lack of consistency. Our day school structure solves the common problems a dog owner may have, like lack of knowledge or time to provide the necessary mental and physical exercise every dog needs to feel fulfilled and ultimately, be a great family member. We require weekly commitments in our training packages to lessen the chances of dog-dog altercations and communicable illness.
By enrolling your dog in our 1 year training program, we can help you see true progress in training.
- Don’t worry, we’ve broken the training program into weekly payments,so you can choose the right program for your dog to attend a full year within your budget. Of course, proper play will be available in abundance, as our school is a place for social dog-friends.
Our absolute maximum capacity is 40 dogs per day and we are dedicated to low staff-dog ratios of 1:10
All dogs will be required to pass a temperament test and have an introductory consultation to ensure this is the proper environment for them to succeed in our mutual goals.
canine academy
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Book an Assessment Interview
First step in Dayschool is Dog assessment. To get started book an assessment interview for your Dog.
Dayschool Packages
We have flexible packages, check the packages to know what will suit you more.
Dayschool Add-ons & Dog
Grooming Maine
View our dayschool add-ons and dog grooming services in Maine
Dog failed the Introductory Consultation! What now?
To book services with Kara’s Pet Care visit their Official Website
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