Canine Academy Berwick: The Leading Choice for Dog Training in Maine
Get your dog started off on the right path with our eight weeks!
Whether it’s lack of social skills with other dogs, jumping on dinner guests or your pup is just a hooligan,our eight week course of action is the perfect start to better pup habits while meeting their biological exercise requirements.We can also customize a program individualized just for you and your pups needs if you aren’t sure what will be right for both of you!
Canine Academy Berwick
Eight Weeks Training
Necessary Clicker, Treats, and Binder of Homework to succeed!
We will include necessary items to succeed such as:
A Clicker and Treat Pouch, Head Halter, Freedom Harness, High-Value Treats, Enrichment Toys.
This aspect is custom to YOU!
Up to 3 Zoom Training Sessions
(Owner can have them booked within the 8 weeks)
We’d love to help you understand body language, and the basics of your dog’s breed.
What are they bred for? | What are they trying to tell you? | Exactly what are their exercise requirements? | Why are they so high energy? | How can you recognize anxiety?
We’re here for you. We’d love to spend time on zoom showing you some educational videos and explaining them along the way!
Up to 5 Private In-Home or Facility Training Sessions
(Booked within the 8 weeks)
Whether you’re looking to get started on the right foot, or interested in solving a problem behavior, we are there for you!
Please contact us to schedule these training sessions at the start of the program, and we will be there for you!
This is also incredibly helpful if you need help desensitizing or counterconditioning to anything!
2 days per week Dayschool Training | 7 am-5 pm Daycare (with training)
Whether you’re looking to meet your dog’s exercise needs or socialize them with other dogs or puppies, we’d love to help! Our dayschool 8-week package ensures your pup gets their exercise needs met WHILE training.
Socialization is a lot more thoughtful than simply putting groups of dogs together. Finding the right match for your pup in our custom program is KEY!
The right exercise program is KEY. If day school isn’t a match for your dog, we will substitute group hiking in place, either solo or with a canine companion.
“Open” Training Sessions – Unlimited within 8 weeks
(Booked within the 8 weeks, 48 hours in advance)
If you’re having trouble during the course of the program, give us a call a day or two before, and we’re happy to reserve time for one of our trainers work with you each day upon pick up from dayschool. These 10-15 minute sessions here and there truly add up!
2 Group Classes (4-6 weeks in length)
(Booked within 16 weeks)
Our Group Class focuses a LOT less on sit, stay, down, come, etc— and a lot more on the foundation of training with your dog.
For example, our Monday night class teaches you how to teach your pup to relax, how to greet new stimuli calmly, and how to reinforce the right behavior so your dog thinks for themselves and automatically makes AWESOME choices (like… sitting instead of jumping all over your 90 year old mother in law!)
Is the schedule too tough for you?
Trouble getting there, or are the dayschool hours difficult for you? Book a Pet Transport on the Handlr app with our sister company, Kara’s Pet Care.
Transport is 0.60/mile and we’re happy to transport anyone who needs a lift – either on a regular schedule, or as needed.
Occasionally, we work with owners with unpredictable schedules and can accommodate key code access for pick up and drop off outside of regular hours as well. This option is complimentary.

Book an Assessment Interview
First step in Dayschool is Dog assessment. To get started book an assessment interview for your Dog.
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